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Protection and Privacy

Technology Around Us

How important do you think it is to monitor our students while they are using technology in our classroom? Students spend around 7 hours every day in a classroom, and they are using more technology for educational purposes. For instance, my English language learners (ELLS) use their laptops to record videos in Flipgrid or to watch YouTube videos. As educators, we have the responsibility of monitoring our students' online activities. My students range from 15-18 years old. Most of them have a cell phone and laptop in my classroom. Therefore, I need to be more aware of this and try to explain to my students the importance of being responsible with our technology. 

Source: Picture from Edutopia

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA):

Social Media and Emerging Technologies course has taught the importance of technology inside a classroom and how to protect my student's information. Additionally, it has given me the tools to help them be digital citizens and use technology responsibly. The video “CIPA, COPPA, & FERPA” mentioned how there are laws that protect students from online predation, cyber bullying and inappropriate content. One of them is the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which was passed in 2000 by Congress. I believe educators play a huge role in helping our students utilize technology in a safe way and be responsible with their actions. Common Sense article shares digital citizenship lessons that can help our students take ownership of their digital lives like privacy and security, digital footprint, cyberbullying and more.

My District

My district takes the privacy of student’s data seriously. On their website, they have a list of educational technology (ed-tech) companies, and they have followed the law Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) since July 2021. SOPPA is an act that protects student data when data is collected by ed-tech companies. Some of the ed-tech in my district are Achieve3000, Padlet, NoRedInk, and more. My district shares communication with parents or guardians about what types of student data may be collected like basic information, demographic information, enrollment information, etc. Additionally, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is extremely important for me. This act protects the privacy of student educational records. I like to have two computers: one personal and one educational. I feel this helps me protect of students records such as their grades, personal information, or work.

Children's Online Privacy Protection (COPPA)

The Student Privacy Compass’s video talks about another law that protects students' privacy which is the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Under this law information about students under the age of 13 cannot be collected online without parental consent. Overall, I believe 13 years old is not the proper age that CIPA/COPA should target. There are some children who lie about their age in order to create a social media, email or other online platforms. I strongly believe the proper age should be up to 18 years old. Many of our young adults still need online protection until they are adults.


  1. Thanks for the background information about these important student laws.

  2. Hi,

    Great work explain these different laws! Its awesome that your district takes the students' privacy seriously as they should. Sharing with parents what data is being collected from their students is also a good thing because it makes parents aware of what is happening in their child's classroom and what they are using technology for.


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