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Privacy on Socia Media

Privacy on Social Media

How important is privacy to you? Have you ever wondered what information social media platforms collect from you? Everyone’s privacy is extremely important because we would not want our personal information stolen and shared with others via our smart TVs and devices. The article from BuzzFeed made me realize why I see ads from shopping websites I visited earlier when I use social media. Last week, my siblings and I were discussing how everything that we see, such as pizza places or clothing stores, appeared as ads online. This made me think about what other information social media collects from us. The best thing is to know more about how we can protect our privacy. Therefore, it is important to understand the Terms of Services (ToS) and privacy statements to protect our children and everyone.


Why is it important?

Our privacy is extremely important because kids, teenagers, and adults are using more and more technology. If we are not careful with our privacy, someone could be spying on us or take important information from us. For example, smart TVs, cell phones, or other devices can spy on you without you knowing. A CNN article informs us on the importance of understanding a device’s security setting and changing passwords set by manufactures. Sometimes people buy devices with activated passwords and never change them. I believe small and simple security steps can help everyone be safe with social media. These articles have been very helpful and informative for me. It has opened my eyes to the small step that I need to take to protect my privacy and information.


How does it relate to my current learning space?

The topic of privacy is related to my current learning space because it is important for me to protect my students and parents’ privacy. I am currently in the process of creating a professional Twitter account. I want to take pictures and share important information, and for me it is important to know what information will be collected from this social media platform. I also want my students and parents to feel safe. The website Common Sense Education informs educators about a privacy evaluation for Twitter; it helps us understand what information is collected and if it is recommended for teachers to utilize in their classrooms. It also relates because I want my students’ and my own information within the education institution to remain safe; it’s important to be able to filter who has access to certain information through social media.

Source: Video from Common Sense Education


  1. Thanks for posting the Twitter privacy video! This is a great resource to show that it's not too difficult to be public yet still protect ourselves.


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